In our clients' own words...  

How are you? Everything okay? All's fine here. Bella is thriving. A very nice pup. Nice personality. Eats like a horse. Would recommend an Abney Catahoula AAA+++
Clasina Segura - New Iberia, LA

Hi Don, It's been a while since I said hello. Just wanted to tell you again how much I love my Hank. He's going to be 11 months old this Tuesday. I need to get a few updated pictures to send you, the 1st two are from April and the 3rd is from the end of July. We're still working on recall, so he's still leashed in these pictures. I do let him off in enclosed parks but his mom is too afraid to lose him in Fairmount Park (largest city park in the U.S.) He's 65 lbs already! Just love him to death! Thanks again for doing what you do.
Maryanne Speiser - Philadelphia, PA

Hello Don, Just wanted to let you know that Nugget is/has adapted to the retirement life very well. He is a GREAT animal. He gets along with everyone. He doesn't have a mean part in his body. He doesn't like cats though. We have a neighbor cat that taunts him. One of these days he going to get him. I did take him once to work and we have a "bone yard" on the property (really about 1/2 acre of junk). There have been sightings of a moma bobcat and two kittens. just happened that when I let him go just to see what he would do, he treed the momma. I guess the neighbors cat gave him the "want". Anyway, again, thank-you so much for a very special dog. He is truly "my buddy". We do everything together. Once the key starts my truck, he drops and lays. When the truck is turned off he gets up. So I gotta mess with him...start it, run about 2 minutes, turn it off. He is a really good natured dog.
Ron Skyrm - Tucson, AZ

Our darlin' dog is now about eight and a half months old, which you know. What you don't know is that she is a really big girl at 24.5 inches tall and she weighs 63.2 pounds. She keeps us really busy walking, running, playing frizbee, not chasing the deer, cows nor turkeys. However, three nights ago she did run a bear about 40 feet up one of our trees. Good Dog! I think her face looks just like your Beau Gris, same mom and pop. We sure do love her. Thanks for sharing her with us.
LaUna Guinn - Wichata Falls, TX

Dear Don, I can't thank you enough for my precious little girl pup. She is so much more than I expected. I knew you breed QUALITY dogs but this pup is amazing. Not only is she beautiful but she is the smartest pup I have ever seen. It worries me that she may be smarter than her owner, Thanks again for the best dog ever. A.E. "Kitchie" Murphy - Virginia Beach, VA

Hi Mr Abney, news from your realy awesome pup Akira. We went home from the airport realy late and the first night was quiet. Akira wanted to go out first time 6 a.m. in the morning. So we all had some sleep. Till is the whole day working to improve the relationship with Akira and he is already following him, wherever he goes. Just sometimes the little boy decids to take another way or do something else rather than go to who is calling his name. You were so right, he is a little fun-package that is talking to us with barking (getting more each day), growling and is singing us the song of "the poor dog that has to sit in the kennel for a while" it's great to see him getting more and more familiar with his new situation. First meet with our male dog Lou was good. Lou was like "You are kidding me! Is he realy going to stay?!" - They accept each other and already started getting to be friends. We thought about changing his name to "Psycho" - just for a second. Sometimes, he is laying on his place, his head on his paws and is starring at us - he does not move and you just see these yellow Eyes with a little black spot - one left, one right, reminds me of the snake (Scar) from the jungle book (giggle) He is not afraid of cares about new things or situations. Most times a bit careful but always prying and somehow self confident. Its funny to see how he reacts and makes his way to these new situations. In the house he is a well behaving pup (until now) - laying on his place when he got told to go and quiet. Today we took our first walk through our small Village on leash. Both Till and Akira did a great job! At least we can say he is a great dog. We like him really much and are happy to have him here. Next Thursday Till is going to visit the SAR-unit with him to get to know each other. We'll keep you updated about that little boy.
Till + Cornelia Kuster - Sassenburg, Germany

Hi Don, How are you? Just wanted to let you know how the pup is doing. She's a character. I absolutely love her. She is so intelligent and loving. She knows come and sit. She walks on a leash like she has always done it. Trust me she has her moments but all in all she is a gem. Thank you so much.
Candace Bellringer - Warwick, RI

Don, Just wanted to drop you a short email to update you on Boudin. He is doing great, housebreaking is going well. He'll walk on a lead, and we are working on sit and down. Rough houses with the 6 month old Aussie continually, sharing toys and acting like pups. Crate training only took a couple of days, he's already up to 4 hours on occasion and sleeping through the night. All and all he is an amazing dog. Fearless, smart and a very happy puppy. We've already done a bit of socializing with some folks from the FD and County Rescue, wags his tail and is quite the "mush". Thanks again Don, we really appreciate you. Oh, and by the way... The book is terrific!
Tommy Leerschen - Plainfield, WI
  ¤ Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas

Don, Jinx is a great dog and we couldn't be happier with her. I look forward to doing business with you again someday.
Chad Massey - Folsom, LA

Boone is getting big! I thought for sure he was going to be smaller, but this was a pleasant surprise. I just wanted to thank you again. He is absolutely everything I wanted and more. He has an incredible amount of focus. I train at the fire department every week. Engines are roaring, sirens are blaring, lights are flashing, fire fighters are running around in turnouts, and Boone just sits there staring at me. Incredibly intelligent, outgoing, unflappable, agile, drivey... Like I said, he is perfect. So thank you again.
Jessica Tidwell - Houston, TX

Hello Don,Alicia and the boys wanted me to send you a recent photo of the pup we picked up from you in October. The boys have named him Voodoo because of his different colored eyes; easily his most distinguishable trait. He's just over 5 months old now and right at 35 lbs. He has adjusted well to our family and we couldn't see our life without him. We haven't been able to dedicate as much training as we'd like other than the standard "sit", "come", "off", and "stop"; but we hope to do more in the coming weeks. Of course, any time we've wandered away from the suggestions in your book, we kick ourselves and realize that Voodoo just reacts better to the techniques you've listed (but you knew that, right?!). Anyway, I've attached a photo taken last night. He's a good looking pup and we couldn't be happier. Thanks for everything!
The McDonough's - Hahnville, LA

Hi Don: It's been many years since we've spoken. Hope all is well with you and your family. Just wanted to let you know that Abney's Blue Ranger (Ranger) is 7 and a half years old now and has been a complete joy in our lives. He has such a wonderful personality. He only barks when necessary, usually to alert us that someone is coming down the driveway. We have 23 acres of land, part pasture, part woods and Ranger enjoys walking the entire property everyday, twice a day.
After many years, thank you again for this wonderful breed!
Ralph and Della DeSantis - Landrum, SC

Don, Jax is so beautiful! He gets a huge stick in his mouth and struts around with his head held high, he picks his feet up high and arches his back; just shows a ton of personality! My Vetrinarian is from Louisiana, and she has fallen in love with him already! (May, 2009)
Jax has the best personality of any dog I have ever had. He is loving, he tries to talk! He is very funny and very smart - too smart! Thank you again for Jax! (Nov, 2009)
Bob and Cindy Beeler - Knoxville, TN

We read your recent article in Ranch Ad Magazine (Feb. 2009) and want to thank you for your research and devotion to this breed of working dogs. We got our first Catahoulas in early 1960's and have stayed with these dogs to the present, only breeding when we needed replacements or friends needed replacements. We use our dogs on cattle and hogs. Your history research is as I have related to many people through the years, and we agree with all your philosophy on these dogs and who should own them. Again after 40 + years of working with these dogs (we have never had any other dogs) we appreciate your efforts and will send people to your web site for information. It says it all and is up to date.
Bob Stone

My name is Marilyn Poole and my husband Mark and I had discussed the Catahoula Leopard but, he surprised us with a one from your kennel in September 2008. When my husband brought the dog home at 3 mos. old our son Pierce - age 3, just fell in love with him. Pierce decided on the name Ollie for our Catahoula Leopard.
We just love our Ollie! Thanks a lot!
Marilyn, Mark, Pierce, Preston, Pugsy, and Ollie Poole - Houston, TX

I just thought you might want to see a photo of my dog, Abney's Miss Kitty. We are very happy with her. She learns fast. I trained her to track wounded deer and she found her first deer at 5 months!!! I didn't think she would be able to find a deer so soon, and just took her along to get her used to walking on a lead in the woods, but, she put her nose to the ground and walked straight to it. Good thing to, because we humans had lost the blood trail. Thanks for your help and a very impressive dog.
James Doster - Colbert, Georgia

Ray Prado here from Vermont. I bought this girl from you in October. She made it through a tough winter here and has been the best pup anyone could have ever had. Thank you very much for what you do.
Raymond Prado - Mont Pelier, VT

Hi Don wanted to give you a update on Odie. He is now the first ARDA Catahoula, we broke the GSD spell. If you go to search and rescue dogs of illinois we are unit 6. He is a awesome dog. Thank you again for him.
Marilyn Reid - Crete, IL

Hi Don it has been 3 months since we got the pup you called a "fireball". In contrast to that name our kids called her "Lily". I just wanted you to know she is doing great and she is a lot of dog in a small package, we couldn't do without her. She has taken full ownership of everything especially the kids. Anyway I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful dog with a great temperment.
Les Speers - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  ¤ Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas

Morning Don, here are a couple of pictures of the puppy I received from you in August here in Nevada. Cash is a house of fire, but smart as a button. He knows words like "Home" and "Hungry" and when he is punished he lays down and pouts like a 3 year old kid! He weighs 25lbs. now and is growing fast. He rides in tractors and has been in a harrowbed when I picked up bales of hay! He is also known at the local golf course where he is a regular in the cocktail lounge. He gets real mad when I don't let him come inside with me. He stays in the truck and pouts! Thanks again for Cash, and I will keep you updated.
Ryan Branco - Yuma, AZ - Reno, NV
  ¤ Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas

Hi Don, We wish you a very Merry Christmas! I have 5 days away from work now, So the pooch and I are together a lot. I want to quit work now! We named her Morgan. I love her. Frank loves her. We did not realize the effect this pup has on us. Two old people crazy about a dog. Wanted to tell you thank you again. She has given us a totally new life, and a lot of unknown to look forward in happy anticipation.
Jan and Frank Hibbitts - Palo Alto, CA

Mr. Abney, This dog is wonderful. It has taken very little time for her to become a part of our family. She does well with the kids. She certainly has the traits that you describe in your book. Thank you again for letting us be a part of your family.
Simon Ward - Charlotte, NC

Hi Don, just wanted to say, "this dog is fantastic. He is my favorite."
Sylvester "Sly" Stallone - Beverly Hills, California

Hi Don, As you can imagine, Ranger has been keeping us busy. The ride home took a little longer since we had to stop often for Ranger. He stayed in my lap the whole time. He has brought us many hours of joy, laughter and exercise!! He is so smart and a really good dog. He starts obedience school in December. He's very quiet, only barks when necessary. He is totally crate trained. Ralph and I take him for long walks in the woods, and when Ralph says HOME, Ranger takes us back the exact way we went into the woods. We get compliments everywhere we go. Thank you for a wonderful addition to our family!
Ralph and Della DeSantis - Campobello, S. Carolina

Don, I laid my first blood trail today. I took a hog leg and blood and let the blood trip off the leg onto the ground. Only went about 40 yards. Both dogs ran right down the line and found the leg in a matter of seconds. I was very inpressed again. Made another line and went across a two foot ditch with water in it. I made this line around 60-70 yards and put both dogs one their leash and they trailed right on the blood line. I just wanted you to know I'm very pleased and thankful for everything you did for me.
Chris Caldwell - Freeport, Texas
  ¤ Purchased 3 Abney Catahoulas

You shipped a male puppy (out of Bear) to me in Las Vegas last summer. I'm just letting you know how pleased we have been with Reese. He is now ten months old, and 73 pounds of love, intelligence, and energy. We are lucky to have him. Thank you very much.
Jane Starks - Teasdale, Utah

Abney's George Foreman will be two Jan 28, 2003, and he has been a sweet, good natured joy since he gazed calmly at us from his flight crate at 8 weeks.  He trained easily, getting his Canine Good Citizenship Certificate in the city when still just a pup,  and earning quite a reputation in only his second season blood trailing wounded deer in North Florida.  People cannot believe how beautiful he is. God bless you for breeding such a wonderful dog and providing such wise training counsel.
Jay and Linda Willingham, Maitland, Florida

A couple of years ago we came to your home to pick up our puppy (Abney's Blue Gator).  I emailed you shortly after to let you know how he was doing.  I thought I would give you a quick update.  He is now at 70 pounds, and I think all of it is muscle.  He has a wonderful attitude.  We purchased a female from a kennel here in Texas in Dec. of 2000.  They have just had their first litter.  They are a very good mix of colors and size.  We are very happy with Gator.  Thank you for being so careful with your breeding program and for raising puppies in a good environment.  We have never had a health problem with him.  
Thanks again,
Sharon Johnson - Bruceville, Tx.

Hello, again. We got Cajun Spice from you about 2 ½ years ago. We're Brent and Danielle Lawrence from southwest Missouri. We can't say enough about what a great dog Cajun is. He enjoys running outside with our four Labs. Cajun is ALWAYS so gentle with the labs when they're pups and he's wonderful with children even though we don't have any ourselves. He just gently licks 'em on the chin and lets them poke and push as they want. You say you never know if you own a Catahoula or it owns you - you're 100 percent right about that. Thanks for breeding such wonderful dogs. If you ever need a reference or want somebody to give an outside opinion to prospective buyers, they can call us at (417) 833-8693.
Brent & Danielle Lawrence - Tunas, Missouri  
I am writing you to give you a little update on the dog that we purchased from you five years ago. Wrangler has brought us much happiness, and he is very spoiled. We always receive compliments on him, and he is one of the smartest dogs.
Thank you. Brent & Danielle Lawrence - Tunas, Missouri

Hello Don,
Long time no talk. I'm about half way thru the hunting season, and I thought I would let you know about the pup (Gator) I got from you. He's progressing well, and takes a real interest in the hunting. He picks up on bear trails real good and shows a good reaction to bear scent. He sticks close by when stalking, and seems to be getting the drift of what we are doing. I know he's still young, but I'm greatly encouraged by his attitude. The other great thing is his disposition. He is just great with people, clients and kids. Very well mannered dog. Truly likes people. But if someone gets a little rowdy around me,( the guides messing  around, roughhousing) his manner changes instantly, and he shows his disproval immediately. Great guard dog I think.  All in all, I'm very happy with the dog. The other thing about him is his "looks". He is growing into a well built, good looking dog. I get compliments on him all the time, from all kinds of people. He really is a striking dog. Your breeding program is really something else, I really believe you are producing the best of the breed. Congratulations on that and thank you for turning out such a great dog.  Anyways thanks again for such a great dog, and I'll talk to you soon.
Bob Irvine - Wolf Creek Outfitters - Alberta, Canada
  ¤ Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas

Mr. Abney,
First of all, I am more than pleased with the female that I got from you back in June. Her name is Leah and she has grown into a very beautiful pup. She has taken to training well and is going to mature very close conformation wise to Bear I think. I am already using her under my birds (Henry raises Falcons, Eagles, and Horses) for rabbit and gray squirrel and she is learning fast and seems to enjoy her work. She has learned to fetch the horses, two of which she will fetch by name. The others she will bring is a group. She is a very unusual animal.  I have looked at a lot of dogs and spoke with many breeders over the past year. You really are on to something with your breeding program. I don't think that there are any better working dogs being produced in the US than yours. Thank you again for Leah. I could not ask for better.
Henry Thomas - Barnesville, Ga.

Dear Mr. Abney,
I recently began a search for Louisiana Catahoula Curs online.  To my astonishment, I have seen several shysters attempting to pass their breed off as a Catahoula curs.  Having owned about 5 Catahoula Curs, I know the difference between a cur cross and a full blood Catahoula (or at least I like to think I do). I grew up in Central Louisiana and hunted the Calcasieu basin where the river empties into swampland for wild hogs using Catahoulas with my father and our love for the breed goes way back to my great grandfather.  I was very happy to find your site and see some legitimate Louisiana Catahoula curs. I am still astounded at the number of people who are attempting to pass their curs as off as legitimate Catahoulas and in the process, writing their on history concerning the breed - I have seen people claiming the Catahoula originated in Tennessee and that  Louisiana Curs are an offspring of their original Catahoulas- needless to say this burned me a bit.  I would like to say "thank you" on behalf of those few blessed people that have had the privilege of working with this breed and for the good work you do in keeping the true Catahoula breed intact.
God Bless,
P.S. I am ordering your book and look forward to getting better acquainted with a breed I consider an old friend. 
William J. Holton

We, my fiance and I decided to name our dog Abney's Turbo Blue.  Turbo for short.   He has been a bundle of emotions with us.  I have never encountered a smarter dog, who has the energy level of a two year old child.  He learns at an astounding rate and wants to please.  We introduced him to our two cats and he has only accepted them as one of his litter mates, a little rough at times, but you can tell he thinks they are simply pack mates.  Perhaps the funniest trait Turbo has displayed is that he likes to take showers, not baths.  Don, I know you tell me he is not a Marine.   I have to argue that he is gonna make one heck of a Marine in a few years.
Thanks for all the patience you have shown us.
Semper Fi- Capt.Rick Franco, USMC - Metairie, La.
  ¤ Has Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas for his base line

First Catahoula at the Arctic Circle

Abney's Caleb
First Catahoula at
the Arctic Circle

Cal, incidentally, has charmed half of Helsinki. My in-laws are thrilled because his short coat and general cleanliness mean my father-in-law's allergies and my wife's god-daughter's allergies haven't acted up. The girl, Maija, is overjoyed to be able to play with a puppy (without an asthma attack) and I watch Cal really carefully - he never even thought about growling. he just seems to love kids naturally.  Incidentally, he can smell field mice under 4 inches of snow and trails rabbits, even in blowing snow, like a dog obsessed. My wife is thrilled with Cal. He'd tear new holes in anyone dumb enough to force entrance into our place, but, will tolerate the pokiest little kids you ever saw. I swear, he'd die before he let anything happen to the littlest one, even if she pulls his tail and takes his favorite toy.
Robert  & Susanna Craig - Helsinki, Finland

We are sure enjoying Brittany Rose. She is so cute and very smart. She is good friends with our orange cat and our big dog Kodiak (bigdog) at first tried to ignore her, but even he has realized that she's sweet and cute, so he's begun to play with her a little. He weights 211 pounds.Brittany loves playing with the kids. Enclosed is a picture of Mariah giving Brittany and Brent a ride in our garden wheelbarrow.
Laurie Roling - Temecula, Ca.

"Cash Money", another Abney Catahoula has been trained as a therapy dog. Damian and Cash spend their spare time going to area hospitals and visiting those that cannot get out or be with their own dog.
Damian Weyland - Manhattan, N. Y.
  ¤ "Cash" is also the dog on the cover of "The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog".

Stella is growing like a weed - she is smart and happy, just like you promised! she's a very high energy pup but seems eager to please once she concentrates! We introduced her to the Gulf of Mexico, and she did a little bit of swimming. She's pretty brave. All in all - we love her extremely, and she's a gorgeous dog. Believe it or not, the stubby tail even suits her - it accentuates her nice conformation. She tried to get a 160 pound Bull Mastiff to play with her, but he was too lethargic and just stood there while she nipped, pawed and ran around.
Monica Stevenson - New York, N.Y.

Sorry I didn't write earlier, but I have just settled on a name - Nashoba Chonkash (Chickasaw for Wolf Heart). I suppose I'll call her Nash for short. She is one hell of a puppy. Nash definitely has a lot of sass. Are you sure she isn't crossed with Mountain Lion though. I caught her sitting on my telephone stand. Never saw such a small puppy climb and perch to such heights.
Terry Hoffman - Killeen, Tx.

"Abney's Jackson Lee" takes 3 Best Dog and 3 Best of Breed out of 4 classes in the American Rare Breed Show in California. People couldn't keep their eyes off of him. He's a real showman in the ring and a real clown out of the ring...
Richard & Mary Ring - California.

Just wanted to give you an update on how we're doing with our new Catahoula We have named him Abney's Grey Zydeco. He is very healthy and growing by leaps and bounds. Actually leaps and bounds seems to describe everything about our dog. Still looking forward to getting a female from you.. Thanks again for a great dog.
Doyle & Peggy Raines - Mandeville, La.
  ¤ Has Purchased 3 Abney Catahoulas

"Abney's Abbey" keeps our obedience instructor laughing, but she keeps the herding judge moving. The judge can't believe the speed of this dog.
Jan Aldendifer - California
  ¤ Has Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas

I finally have time to say hi from Tucson. As you can see (referring to an enclosed picture) "Cory" has grown to 65 lbs. She is so cute, but has a mind of her own. She has a way to keep me laughing. I love her.
Thank you.
Lisa Galiport.-Arizona.

Just a brief note to let you know what a hit Belle (Abney's Bluebelle) is at our household.  Sam is so thrilled with her. She was a complete surprise Monday when he walked in from the beach for his birthday party.   She is very smart and as sweet a puppy as we could want (you were right about housebreaking, she is already asking to go out).  I'm sure we'll keep in touch as she grows, and don't be surprised to see an increase in the hits on your training page!! Ned and I enjoyed our trip to Abita Springs, and especially a great dinner we had in Covington at a place called Dakota's. Please call and plan on visiting us if you and your wife are in Birmingham.
Kim West -  Birmingham, Alabama
  ¤ Has Purchased 2 Abney Catahoulas

Mr. Abney the dog I purchased from you back in January has now turned 1 year old. I would just like to thank you for the purchase.  Cahill has been such a great dog.  It seems like everything I read about Catahoulas is true.  He does know what you are thinking.  He is really been a joy to my two children.  They are always in the backyard playing with him and he loves his walks in the morning and evening.  I would like to start him on cattle now that he is 1 year old.
Mike Bartz - Austin, Texas

Just wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful companion.  Abney's Blue Gunner is now 7 months old.. 22 inches at the withers.. 60 pounds (no it's not fat.. he is solid like a rock). As you told me.. he like no other breed can read minds... not sure I always like him knowing what I'm thinking. He loves to jetski... even likes to ride on a jetski by himself. We are training 4 days a week for Search and Rescue... the one thing the trainers have said about him is that he by far finds a victim in a much calmer/ less aggressive manner than any other dog in the group.
Stephanie Walsh-Bunny - Indianapolis, In.
  ¤ Purchased 6 Abney Catahoulas as a baseline to her breeding program

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