- Each dog allowed full use of the run facility.
- Separate sleeping quarters.
- Kennel is cleaned twice daily.
- High Protein dog food supplied with each boarding.
- Outdoor boarding facility, suitable for any size dog.
- Runs measure 4.5 feet by 12 feet with exterior housing.
- Each dog is exercise twice daily.
- Two veterinary facilities available if needed.
- Emergency Clinic available 24 hours per day.
Our kennels have evolved into concrete runs which are tended twice each day for cleaning, watering and feeding. Each run measures 4.5 x 12 feet. The entire kennel enclosure measures 100 x 300 feet
with plenty of room for exercise. The quartered areas are covered in such a way as to provide light, airflow, and protection from the elements. Fans have been installed to ensure airflow throughout
the kennel. All wastes are washed into a 1500 gallon treatment plant provided for kennel use only. Each month the kennels undergo pressure washing and anti-bacterial cleaning to maintain a standard
of sanitation. The kennels, houses, and fencing are maintained regularly and receive a fresh coat of paint annually.
The grounds, buildings, and kennel housing are sprayed quarterly in order to prevent the invasion of fleas, ticks, and stinging or nuisance insects.
We have installed a building inside the confines of the kennel which is strictly used for the care, grooming, and treatment of our dogs. Security cameras keep constant watch over the kennels. In
our absence, the kennels are maintained by trained personnel who remain in communication with us, our veterinarians and/or the Emergency Clinic should the need arise.
Every dog is allowed outside of their run during each cleaning time, and again during exercise and training periods. Within the kennel area the dogs may run without any danger of injury or getting
into any serious situations. Each receives human contact a minimum of twice each day and is socialized during these periods. When undergoing formal training, the dogs may be taken to a variety of
locations on and off of our property, but remain under our supervision.
We are a licensed facility and undergo an Annual Inspection by St. Tammany Parish Animal Control to ensure that we meet or surpass the kennel requirements as prescribed by the Agricultural Codes of Louisiana.
Visitors are welcomed anytime within the guidelines of our security procedures. Please call to make an appointment prior to your visit to ensure our availability.